Tuesday, April 17, 2012

I just did the dumbest thing known to crafting man

The new wallet I made myself? Yeah, I decided to make adjustments to it to fit my cards more *snugly* and ...

ended up "piercing" my debit card...

I left the card in there after testing it to see where I wanted to make the seam, and sewed RIGHT THROUGH the plastic. I said to myself as I was sewing through said plastic, "wow, this is some really thick material..." DUH!!!

So now I have a hole-y card.

At least it was at the bottom and not at the top.

I totally qualify for the Crafting Fail Blog!!!

Just had to share since this is hilariously stupid!

To put icing on the cake, I ended up having to rip the stitches out several times (after rescuing the card from becoming a permanent part of the wallet) because the alteration just didn't fly.

This is a part of crafting! It is a learning process all the time!


Review of S.O.T.A.K. Two in One Pouch

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