Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Sad News

Today is a day with a sad post. I have closed my shop down for personal reasons that I do not wish to go into, but I hope that you all understand. I have SO enjoyed sewing and selling and do not regret a moment of it! But for the time being, I cannot run my shop. I hope someday to make this a certified, real deal small business, but right now it is not possible to go to that level.

I am finishing up custom orders that have already been placed, so no worries there. I honor my commitments and do not want to leave anyone hanging. Please e-mail me at mattsarahhyde@gmail.com if you have any questions.

I am going to keep my Facebook page running and this is definitely not the end of my sewing hobby! I have tons of fabric and materials to use (and patterns), and I will still sew for pleasure and gifts. I will keep sharing about projects for those who enjoy hearing about it. If you have no interest in staying a fan of "Sweet Sparrow", I understand if you want to remove yourself from the fan list.

Oh, this is bittersweet!! But it is for the best and I will have more free time to sew for gifts and home, which is a good thing. I am trying to find good things about this, but it is hard!

I am going to change the name of this blog to "Sarah's Craft Blog" to keep it consistent with what's going on. The web address will stay the same. 

Thank you, ALL, for your support and business, and I will never forget what you've done for me by buying my handmade crafts! It has been so wonderful and life-changing, really, to have an Etsy shop for 5 years.

God bless,

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